Allogamus mortoni (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae) en Riópar (Albacete) - Marcos Gonzalez

Último Limnetica

Volumen 44 (1)
Inma Salvat-Leal, David Verdiell, Paz Parrondo, Elena Barcala, Pilar Muñoz and Diego Romero
2025. Volumen 44 (1): 113-124
Volumen 44 (1)
Luca Vecchioni, Davide Bellucci, Riccardo Novaga, Francesco Paolo Faraone, Serge Utevsky and Federico Marrone
2025. Volumen 44 (1): 101-111

Bluesky AIL


Online first articles

Artículos aceptados y citables que no han sido asignados a un volumen


EXTENSION of deadline for submitting abstracts to the III SIBECOL & XVII AEET meeting 2025 (until 17th January 2025; 14:00 UTC+1)

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to inform you that, in response to numerous requests for an extension of the abstract submission deadline for the III SIBECOL & XVII AEET meeting, the Organizing Committee has decided to extend the deadline until Friday, January 17th, 2025 (14:00 UTC+1).  

The congress will take place in Pontevedra (Galicia, Spain) from June 2nd to 7th, 2025. 

The theme of the meeting, "Another Science is Possible: Diversity, Degrowth, and Sustainability in Ecological Research," invites participants to explore how ecological science can evolve by embracing principles of diversity, sustainability, and degrowth.

We are excited to present a diverse, inclusive, and cross-disciplinary scientific program that we hope you will find stimulating and thought-provoking. We would like to thank everyone who submitted proposals for Thematic Sessions. We are pleased to announce that a total of 53 Thematic Sessions have been accepted within 6 General Sessions, covering a wide range of topics relevant to ecological research. The list of scheduled sessions and their description is available at: Scientific sessions - III SIBECOL & XVII AEET meeting

The Thematic Sessions (TS) have been grouped within the 6 General Sessions (GS) initially defined. However, participants are welcome to submit contributions (oral or poster presentations) either to one of the 6 General Sessions or to any of the Thematic Sessions within them. We suggest submitting to a General Session only if none of the Thematic Sessions align closely with your research.

Abstracts must be submitted exclusively via the online application system. Full submission guidelines and instructions can be found here: Call for Abstracts - III SIBECOL & XVII AEET meeting. We recommend reviewing these instructions carefully before submitting your abstract. For any inquiries related to abstract submissions, please contact us at:

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

All updates and further information will be available at:

Your participation is vital to making this meeting a success.

The Organising Committee looks forward to seeing you in Pontevedra in June 2025!

We would greatly appreciate your help in disseminating information about the meeting.

Happy Holidays and best wishes for 2025,

XVI Premio de Investigación en Limnología-Mejor tesis doctoral

Estimadas y estimados colegas,

En este link encontraréis la convocatoria del XVI Premio de Investigación en Limnología a la mejor tesis doctoral defendida en 2024.  

Ésta será la quinta convocatoria del premio en su nueva periodicidad anual, cuyo cambio persigue, tal y como informamos en anteriores convocatorias, facilitar los procedimientos de evaluación y mejorar el ajuste con las convocatorias bienales de los premios de EFFS.

El plazo de presentación de la documentación finaliza el 10 de enero de 2025, pero os animamos a que enviéis las candidaturas cuanto antes

Romina Álvarez Troncoso
Secretaria de la Asociación Ibérica de Limnología
Reminder: 7 days left to the deadline for submitting abstracts to the III SIBECOL & XVII AEET meeting 2025 (until 20th December 2024; 14:00 UTC+1)

Dear Colleagues,

We remind you that there are only 7 days left until the deadline for abstract submission (Friday, December 20th, 2024 (14:00 UTC+1) to the III SIBECOL & XVII AEET meeting 2025. 

We recommend that you do not wait until the last minute to submit your abstract !!!

We are excited to present a diverse, inclusive, and cross-disciplinary scientific program that we hope you will find stimulating and thought-provoking. You can address your abstract to any of the 59 Sessions programed (6 General Sessions plus 53 Thematic Sessions). The Thematic Sessions (TS) have been grouped within the 6 General Sessions (GS) initially defined. However, participants are welcome to submit contributions (oral or poster presentations) either to one of the 6 General Sessions or to any of the Thematic Sessions within them. We suggest submitting to a General Session only if none of the Thematic Sessions align closely with your research.

The list of scheduled sessions and their description is available at: Scientific sessions - III SIBECOL & XVII AEET meeting.

To encourage broad participation, each person may submit and present only one abstract as lead author, whether submitting an oral or poster presentation, however, a person may serve as a non-presenting co-author on several abstracts. Despite this restriction, in order to encourage a necessary dialogue on issues that are not strictly related to the subject-matters of ecological research, but are no less important, both, the General Session GS1 “Enhancing Inclusivity, Ethics, and Societal Impact in Science” and the Thematic Session TS(1)3 "Ecology in Education: ecological literacy as a tool to face global change" have been exempted from this rule and a second contribution focusing on inclusivity (GS1) or education (TS(1)3) can be submitted to one of these two sessions, either in oral or poster format.

Abstracts must be submitted exclusively via the online application system. Full submission guidelines and instructions can be found here: Call for Abstracts - III SIBECOL & XVII AEET meeting. We recommend reviewing these instructions carefully before submitting your abstract. For any inquiries related to abstract submissions, please contact us at:

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

All updates and further information will be available at:

Your participation is vital to making this meeting a success.

The Organising Committee looks forward to seeing you in Pontevedra in June 2025!

We would greatly appreciate your help in disseminating information about the meeting.

Best regards,