Grants and awards
Limnology Research Award- Best PhD dissertation
Dear colleagues,
I hope you are well.
In this link you will find the resolution of the XVI Limnology Research Award. This has been the fifth call of our award with its new annual periodicity, in which the best doctoral thesis defended in 2024 has been selected. We would first like to thank the jury for their hard work in the evaluation process, without which this award would not be possible.
The prize has been awarded to Alberto ALONSO BLANCO for his thesis Functional consequences of biodiversity loss caused by emergent diseases in freshwater ecosystems, defended at the University of the Basque Country under the direction of Dr. Luz Boyero González & Dr. Jaime Bosch Pérez.
Congratulations to Alberto and his directors!
The jury wanted to highlight the very high level of all the theses presented, for which we would like to congratulate all the candidates for maintaining the quality of pre-doctoral research at such high standards.
The jury also decided to award two runners-up prizes to the theses of Diana SANTOS SIMOES GRAÇA, (Universidade de Minho) and Víctor OSORIO ÁLVAREZ
(University of Barcelona).
Congratulations to both of you and to your directors!
A big hug,
Romina Álvarez Troncoso
Secretary of the Iberian Association of Limnology
Jorge García Girón
Universidad de León
Geographical variation of aquatic macrophyte biodiversity: Towards an integration of scale and ecological organization.
Nicolás Valiente
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, España
A multidisciplinary approach for assessing natural attenuation of pollutants in a highly saline lake-aquifer system: the case of Pétrola Lake, Spain.
Àlex Miró
Fish as local stressors of Pyrenean high mountain lakes: arrival process and impact on amphibians and other organisms
Anna Lupon González
Universitat de Barcelona
The influence of Mediterranean riparian zones on stream nitrogen dynamics: A catchment approach.
Paula Arribas Blázquez
Universidad de Murcia, España
Evolutionary ecology, biogeography and conservation of water beetles in Mediterranean saline ecosystems.
David Soto Arrojo
Universitat de Barcelona
Combining trace metal bioaccumulation and stable isotopes to reveal food web structure in freshwater ecosystems.
Mireia Bartrons Vilamala
Universitat de Barcelona
Food web bioaccumulation of halogenated compounds in high mountain lake food webs.
Rafa Marcé Romero
Universitat de Barcelona
The river influence on Sau reservoir limnology. Empirical and watershed-scale monitoring.
Arturo Sousa Martín
Universidad de Sevilla.
Evolución de la vegetación higrofítica y de los humedales continentales asociados al litoral Onubense Oriental.
María Luz Boyero González
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Estructura y dinámica de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados fluviales. Escalas espaciales y heterogeneidad.
Daniel Boix Masafret
Universitat de Girona
Estructura y dinámica de la comunidad animal acuática de la laguna temporal Estanyol d’Espolla.
Sergi Pla Rabés
Universitat de Barcelona
Los estomatocistos de crisofíceas de los Pirineos y su aplicabilidad como indicadores paleoambientales.
AIL theses selected and submitted to the EFFS awards previously
Susana Pallarés (Universidad de Murcia): Ecological and evolutionary physioloy of aquatic beetles: coping with multiple natural stressors in inland saline waters.
Daniela Batista (Universidade do Minho): Impacts of silver nanoparticles in freshwater detrital food-webs in a warming scenario.
Sara Calero (Universitat de València): The phenology of submerged macrophytes from Mediterranean wetlands as a sentinel of climate change.
Ana Patrícia Cuco (Universidade de Aveiro): Host-parasite interaction in environmental stress scenarios.
Anna Lupon (Universitat de Barcelona): The influence of Mediterranean riparian zones on stream nitrogen dynamics: A catchment approach.
Ana Sofia Alves (Universidade de Coimbra): Use of benthic meiofauna in evaluating marine ecosystems’ health: how useful can free-living marine nematodes be for ecological quality status (EQS) assessment in transitional waters?
Àlex Miró Pastó (CEAB-CSIC): Fish as local stressors of Pyrenean high mountain lakes: arrival process and impact on amphibians and other organisms.
Bruno Carreira (Universidade de Lisboa): Warm vegetarians? Heat wave effects on aquatic omnivorous ectotherms.
Paula Arribas (Universidad de Murcia): Evolutionary ecology, biogeography and conservation of water beetles in Mediterranean saline ecosystems (ACCÉSIT).
Arunava Pradhan (Universidade du Minho): Impacts of nanoparticles to microbes and invertebrates: from community responses to cellular targets (ACCÉSIT).
Xisca Timoner (ICRA-Universidad de Girona): Stream biofilm responses to flow intermitency.
Carlos Alexandre (Universidad de Évora): Ecological impact of streamflow variability in the bio-ecology of freshwater fishes from permanent and temporary Mediterranean river systems.
David Soto Arrojo (Universitat de Barcelona): Combining trace metal bioaccumulation and stable isotopes to reveal food web structure in freshwater ecosystems (ACCÉSIT).
Carlos Rochera Cordellat (Universitat de València): Functional ecology of microbial freshwater communities from Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica).
Helena Novais (Universidade de Évora): Benthic diatoms in Portuguese watercourses.
Rute Pinto (Universidade de Coimbra): Mondego basin and estuary management: the role of ecosystem services (e)valuation for human wellbeing endeavour.